We appreciate that some children do not always wish to take part on the day or may wish to attend other events but we are unable to refund for any children who do not take part, this is due to the fact that we have reserved the space for your child and the staff and venue have already been arranged. Please note that it is quite normal for children to be shy when they first attend and their confidence will grow in the weeks to come. The coaching team are experienced in dealing with this and will be happy to work with your gymnast to improve their confidence. Once a course or series of lessons has been paid for, you are not entitled to a refund if your child does not wish to attend.
We do not offer “makeup classes” for lessons missed.
In independent classes (where the adult is not required to participate in class) adults are asked to wait outside or to drop gymnasts and leave the venue.
Members must enter the car park with a guardian/parent where they will be met by a coach at the doors before entering the gym. During classes the door will be locked to the centre. There is a door bell at the front door which must be used to alert a coach to come to the main entrance door to meet you if this is required during a session. At the end of the class please collect your gymnast from the car park. Members without guardians will not be allowed to leave unattended unless prior written/email/text consent has been given by the guardian. Members are required to arrive in good time to start the class promptly.
Guardians must update the administration office with details of new or changing medical conditions.
To keep toilet visits to a minimum, If your child is potty trained, please take them to the toilet immediately prior to the commencement of any class so there will be as little disruption during class times.
No food can be taken into the Gym. Drinks bottles can be taken into the gym in the designated areas and must be taken at the end of the session, as any remaining at the end of the day will be disposed of.
All property is the responsibility of the child and guardian attending class Fusion Gymnastics can not be liable for any lost or damaged belongings. Items found will be held at the office for a period of one month before being disposed of or donated to charity.
We have Public Liability Insurance to include accidental injury to any person or property caused in connection with the Business. One member of staff will have attended a First Aid Awareness Course or have a First Aid qualification. Copies of qualifications and DBS checks are available upon request.
On booking, please give full details of any child with any disabilities. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify us of such disabilities to ensure safe and effective teaching methods and standards are maintained. Some disabilities will need additional checks from our insurers and we may require you to provide letters from medical professionals on this before classes can be attended.